During the Revolutionary War, women served the U.S. Army in traditional roles as nurses, seamstresses and cooks for troops in camp. Some courageous women served in combat either alongside their husbands or disguised as men, while others operated as spies for the cause. Though not in uniform, women shared Soldiers' hardships, including inadequate housing and little compensation.
The Civil War (1861 - 1865): A willingness to asume new roles
During the
Civil War, women stepped into many nontraditional roles. Many women supported
the army and navy war efforts as nurses and aides, while others took a more
upfront approach and secretly enlisted in the army or served as spies and
smugglers. Navy nurses saw their first shipboard service aboard Mayflower and
Dolphin. Women were forced to adapt to
the vast social changes affecting the nation, and their ability and willingness to assume these new roles helped shape
the United States.
Military records reveal that women fought—and died—in all the major battles of the Civil War, participating in clashes in Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Shiloh, and Vicksburg, among many others.
The Spanish American War
(1898-1901): The creation of the Army
Nurse Corps
With the
Spanish-American War came an epidemic of typhoid fever and a need for highly
qualified Army nurses. The surgeon general requested and promptly received
congressional authority on April 28, 1898. Due to the exemplary performance of
these Army contract nurses, the U.S. military realized that it would be helpful
to have a corps of trained nurses, familiar with military ways, on call. This
led the Army to establish a permanent Nurse Corps in 1901.
World War I (1917-1918): Their
service helped propel the passage of the 19th Amendment
At the time of the First World
War, most women were barred from voting or serving in military combat roles.
Many saw the war as an opportunity to not only serve their countries but to
gain more rights and independence. With millions of men away from home, women
filled manufacturing and agricultural positions on the home front. Others
provided support on the front lines as nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers,
translators and, in rare cases, on the battlefield.
One observer wrote that
American women "do anything they were given to do; that their hours are long;
that their task is hard; that for them there is small hope of medals and
citations and glittering homecoming parades.”
The Army Nurse Corps (ANC)
was established in 1901 and was seventeen years old at the time the U.S.
entered WWI on April 16, 1917. The Corps was small (403 nurses on active
duty and 170 reserve nurses). At this same time, there were 8,000 nurses in the
nursing service reserves of the American Red Cross.5
The first women to serve in the U.S. Navy were nurses, beginning
with the "Sacred Twenty” appointed after Congress established the
Navy Nurse Corps on 13 May 1908. The first large-scale enlistment of women into
the Navy met clerical shortages during World War I, and the second came months
before the United States entered World War II.
Despite thousands of new recruits, the U.S.
Navy was short-handed at the beginning of World War I. Vague wording in a
section of the Naval Act of 1916 outlining who could serve created a loophole:
women were able to join the ranks as Yeomen, non-commissioned officers. Around
12,000 women enlisted in the Navy under the title, "Yeoman (F).” Most women
Yeomen served stateside on naval bases, replacing men who had deployed to
Europe. While many female recruits performed clerical duties, some worked as
truck drivers, mechanics, radio operators, telephone operators, translators,
camouflage artists and munition workers. They had the same responsibilities as
their male counterparts and received the same pay of $28.75 per month.
Aiming to improve communications on the
Western front between the Allied Forces, General John J. Pershing called for
the creation of the Signal Corps Female Telephone Operators Unit. The unit
recruited women who were bilingual in French and English to serve as telephone
switchboard operators on the Western front. The women received physical
training, observed strict military protocol, wore identity discs and worked
very close to the front lines. These female recruits were nicknamed the "Hello
Girls” (a term which some of them felt disparaged their efforts) and became
known for their bravery and focus under pressure. However, upon their return to
the United States after the end of the war, the "Hello Girls” did not receive
veteran status or benefits. It wasn’t until 1977, when President Jimmy Carter
signed legislation, that the few surviving women telephone operators received
recognition of their veteran status.
The U.S. Marine Corps enlisted 305 female Marine Reservists (F)
to "free men to fight" by filling positions such as clerks and
telephone operators on the home front.
In 1918 during the war, twin sisters Genevieve and Lucille Baker
transferred from the Naval Coastal Defense Reserve and became the first
uniformed women to serve in the U.S. Coast Guard. Before the war ended,
several more women joined them, all of them serving in the Coast Guard at Coast
Guard Headquarters. These women were demobilized when hostilities ceased, and
aside from the Nurse Corps the uniformed military became once again exclusively
Women’s efforts
and contributions in the Great War left a lasting legacy that inspired change
across the nation. The service of these
women helped propel the passage of the 19th Amendment, June 4, 1919,
guaranteeing women the right to vote.
World War II (1939-1945): ‘To free a man to fight’
American women in World War II became involved in many
tasks they rarely had before; as the war involved global conflict on an
unprecedented scale, the absolute urgency of mobilizing the entire population
made the expansion of the role of women inevitable. Their services were
recruited through a variety of methods, including posters and other print
advertising, as well as popular songs. Among the most iconic images were those
depicting "Rosie the Riveter", a woman factory laborer
performing what was previously considered man's work.
With this added skill base channeled to paid employment
opportunities, the presence of women in the American workforce continued to
expand from what had occurred during World War I. Many sought and secured jobs
in the war industry, building ships, aircraft, vehicles, and munitions or other
weaponry. Others drove trucks or provided other logistical support for
soldiers. Still, others worked on farms. Women also enlisted in significantly
greater numbers in the military and as nurses serving on the front lines.
American women also took part in assuming
the defense of the home front. Apart from the number of women who served in the
federal military, several women joined the various state guards, organized by individual U.S, states and
partially supplied by the War Department,
to replace the federally-deployed National Guard. In September 1942, the Idaho State Guard became
the first state-level military organization in the United States to induct
women into its command structure when Governor Chase A. Clark administered the oath of enlistment
to a group of women from the Idaho volunteer auxiliary reserves.[ In Iowa, a unit composed solely of
women and girls was organized in 1943 in Davenport and consisted of roughly 150
members who received training in infantry drill, equitation, first aid, radio
code, self-defense, scouting, and patrolling from a captain in the Iowa State Guard
Following World War I, US
Navy Yeoman (F) were
disestablished and women only served as Navy Nurses. The necessity of
women serving during World WAR II had
long since been apparent. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Public
Law 689 on July 30, 1942, establishing Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency
Service (WAVES). In early August, Mildred McAfee became the Director of
the WAVES and was sworn in as a Naval Reserve Lieutenant Commander, becoming
the first female commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy.
Unlike the Yeoman (F) in World War I, the
range of duties for women was greatly expanded to the aviation community, Judge
Advocate General Corps, medical professions, communications, intelligence,
science, and technology. Quickly working, recruitment was
undertaken, training establishments had to be set up, and an administration
structure had to be designed and uniforms created.
On February 26, 1944, the Navy Nurse
Corps was designated full military rank by Public Law 238. Sue D. Dauser,
the Director of the Navy Nurse Corps received a full commission in the rank of
Captain, thereby becoming the first female in the Navy to hold that rank.
In December 1944, Lieutenant Junior Grade Harriet Ida Pickens and Ensign
Francis Willis were commissioned as the first African American officers
after graduating from the Naval Reserve Midshipmen's School (WR) at
Northampton, Massachusetts.
The Women's Flying Training Detachment (WFTD) was a group of women pilots during World War II. Their main job was to take over male pilot's jobs, such as ferrying planes from factories to United States Army Air Force installations, in order to free male pilots to fight overseas. They later merged with the Women Airforce Ferrying Squadron (formerly the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron) to form the Women Air Force Service Pilots
The Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP)
(also Women's Auxiliary Service Pilots was a civilian women pilots' organization, whose members were United States federal civil service employees. Members of WASP became trained pilots who
tested aircraft, ferried aircraft, and trained other pilots. Their purpose was
to free male pilots for combat roles during World War II. Despite various members of the armed forces being involved
in the creation of the program, the WASP and its members had no military
After the Coast Guard hired its first group of civilian women to serve in
secretarial and clerical positions in 1941, it then established a Women's
Reserve known as the SPARs (after the motto Semper Paratus - Always Ready) in 1942. YN3 Dorothy
Tuttle became the first SPAR enlistee when she enlisted in the Coast Guard
Women's Reserve on December 7, 1942. LCDR Dorothy Stratton transferred from the Navy to serve as the director of the
SPARs. The first five African-American women entered the SPARs in 1945: Olivia Hooker, D. Winifred Byrd, Julia Mosley, Yvonne Cumberbatch, and Aileen Cooke.
Also in 1945, SPAR Marjorie Bell Stewart was awarded the Silver Lifesaving
Medal by CAPT Dorothy Stratton, becoming the first SPAR to receive the award.
SPARs were assigned stateside and served as storekeepers, clerks,
photographers, pharmacist's mates, cooks, and in numerous other jobs during
World War II. More than 11,000 SPARs served during World War II.
The Army established
the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) in 1942, a
noteworthy year because WAACs served overseas in North Africa, and
because Charity Adams Early also became the
WAAC's first African-American female commissioned officer that year. The
organization never accomplished its goal of making available to "the
national defense the knowledge, skill, and special training of the women of the
nation"; however, as a result, the WAAC was converted to the Women's Army Corps (WAC) in 1943.
Recognized as an official part of the regular army, more than 150,000 women
served as WACs during the war with thousands were sent to the European and
Pacific theaters. In 1944, WACs landed in Normandy after D-Day and served in
Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippines in the Pacific. In 1945, the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion (the only all
African-American, all-female battalion during World War II) worked in England
and France, making them the first black female battalion to travel overseas.
Commanded by Major Early, the battalion was composed of 30 officers and 800
enlisted women. At the time, African-American recruitment was limited to
10 percent for the WAAC/WAC—matching the demographics of the U.S. population
with a total of 6,520 African-American women enrolled for duty. Enlisted basic
training was segregated for living, dining, and training, but while living
quarters remained segregated at officer training and specialist schools, dining
and training facilities there were integrated.
In 1942, Carmen Contreras-Bozak became the first Hispanic to join the WAAC, serving in Algiers under General Dwight D. Eisenhower. She was also the
first of approximately 200 Puerto Rican women who would
serve in the Women’s Army Corps during World War II.
The Women's Army Corps
(WAC) also recruited 50 Japanese-American and Chinese-American women and sent
them to the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Fort Snelling Minnesota, for training as
military translators. Of these women, 21 were assigned to the Pacific Military
Intelligence Research Section at Camp Ritchie, Maryland, where they worked with
captured Japanese documents, extracting information about military plans, as
well as political and economic information that impacted Japan's ability to
conduct the war. Other WAC translators were assigned jobs helping the U.S. Army
interface with the United States' Chinese allies. In 1943, the Women's Army
Corps recruited a unit of Chinese-American women to serve with the Army Air
Forces as "Air WACs". The Army lowered the height and weight
requirements for the women of this particular unit referred to as the "Madame Chiang Kai-Shek Air WAC unit". The first two
women to enlist in the unit were Hazel (Toy) Nakashima and Jit Wong, both of
California. Air WACs served in a large variety of jobs, including aerial photo
interpretation, air traffic control, and weather forecasting.] Susan Ahn Cuddy became the first
Asian-American woman to join the U.S. Navy, in 1942. The Navy however,
refused to accept Japanese American women throughout
World War II.
In 1943, the Marine
Corps created the Marine Corps Women's Reserve. The first female officer of the United
States Marine Corps was also commissioned that year with the first female
detachment of marines sent to duty in Hawaii in 1945. The first director of the
Marine Corps Women's Reserve was Mrs. Ruth Cheney Streeter from Morristown, New Jersey Captain Anne Lentz was its first commissioned
officer and Private Lucille McClarren its first enlisted woman. Both joined in
1943, as did Minnie Spotted-Wolf, the first Native
American woman to enlist in the United States Marines. Many of these Marines served
stateside as clerks, cooks, mechanics, and drivers, as well as in other
positions. By the end of World War II, 85 percent of the enlisted personnel
assigned to the Corps' U.S. headquarters were women.
During World War II, approximately 400,000 U.S. women served
with the armed forces. As many as 543 died in war-related incidents, including
16 from enemy fire - even though U.S. political and military leaders had
decided not to use women in combat because they feared public opinion. By 1948,
however, women were finally recognized as a permanent part of the U.S. armed
forces with the passage of the Women's Armed Service Act of 1948
A Permanent Presence (1945-1954): Gender
and racial integration
The period immediately following World War II was one of
uncertainty and constant change for Women. However, this post-war period also
marked great strides for integrating both the WAC and the Army Nurse Corps into the Regular Army.
When the USAF was officially formed in 1947, a number of
former Women's Army Corps members
(WACs) continued serving in the Army but performed Air Force duties, as the Air
Force did not admit women in its first year. Some WACs chose to transfer to the
WAFs when it became possible.
At its inception in 1948, WAF was limited to 4,000
enlisted women and 300 female officers. Women were encouraged to fill many
different roles but were not to be trained as pilots, even though the United States Army Air Corps had graduated their first class of
female pilots in April 1943 under wartime conditions. The WAF directorship was
to be filled by a non-pilot. All WAFs were assigned ground duties, most ending
up in clerical and medical positions.
Women who were already pilots and who would have been good candidates for WAF leadership were instead diverted to the Air Force Reserves. For example, Nancy Harkness Love founder and commander of the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) and executive of the Women's Air Force Service Pilots (WASPs), was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Reserves in 1948 after it was directed to admit women. Jacqueline Cochran who had volunteered in the RAF and had demonstrated solid leadership in greatly expanding the WASP program, was similarly directed to join the Reserves in 1948 within which she rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel in 1969. Female pilots in the Reserves were classified as federal civilian employees, not active military personnel.
Korean War (1950-1953):
The reality was that during the Korean War, there
were 120,000 women on active duty. A third of them were healthcare
providers. Others stepped up when their country called on them, volunteering
for service in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC), Women in the
Air Force (WAF), Navy Women’s Reserves and Women Marines.
Women’s presence in the armed forces became more culturally
acceptable after Congress passed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act in
1948, just two years before the outbreak of hostilities in Korea. The act
allowed women to serve as permanent members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and
Air Force for the first time in American history. Air Force nurses played a
crucial role in evacuating injured soldiers from battle zones in Korea, triaging
their wounds and facilitating communications with loved ones back home.
Many women served in Mobile Army
Surgical Hospitals (MASH), on MEDEVAC aircraft, and on hospital ships. Others
served in military hospitals in various parts of the United States. Countless
women held down their households while their husbands went to war, or took the
places of men in the workforce.
and Poised (1955-1960): The Women continue to serve
After the Korean War, and with the move of
the WAC Training Center and School to Fort McClellan, Alabama, the focus of the
Corps shifted to the examination of management practices and the image of the
WAC. The WAC directors in the 1950s and 1960s sought to expand WAC by
increasing the types of jobs available in the Army, and by promoting the Corps
not only to possible recruits, but also to their family members. The leadership
worked hard to act as role models and to instruct the women to respect the
Corps, take pride in their work, and ensure that their personal behavior and
appearance was always above reproach. Their success was marked by a request
from the Army chief of staff to lift the recruitment ceiling on the number of
women. It was also during this era that we see the removal of restrictions on
promotions, assignments, and utilization.
The Vietnam War (1955-1975):
Though relatively little official data exists about female Viet Nam veterans, the Vietnam Women's Memorial Foundation estimates that approximately 11,000 military women were stationed in Vietnam during the conflict. Nearly all of them were volunteers, and 90 percent served as military nurses, though women also worked as physicians, air traffic controllers, intelligence officers, clerks and other positions in the U.S. Women's Army Corps, U.S. Navy, Air Force and Marines and the Army Medical Specialist Corps. In addition to women in the armed forces, an unknown number of civilian women served in Vietnam on behalf of the Red Cross, United Service Organizations (USO), Catholic Relief Services and other humanitarian organizations, or as foreign correspondents for various news organizations.
In addition to the U.S. military women who served in Vietnam, an
unknown number of female civilians willingly gave their services on Vietnamese
soil during the conflict. Many of them worked on behalf of the American Red Cross, Army
Special Services, United Service Organizations (USO), Peace Corps, and various religious groups such as Catholic
Relief Services.
Other American women traveled to Vietnam as foreign correspondents for news organizations, including Georgette "Dickey" Chappelle, a writer for the National Observer who was killed by a mine while on patrol with U.S. Marines outside Chu Lai in November 1965. According to the Vietnam Women's Memorial Foundation, 59 female civilians died during the conflict.
A Time of Change (1970-1978): Moving toward equality
The Vietnam War, the elimination of the
draft, and the rise of the feminist movement had a major impact on both the
Women's Army Corps and Army Nurse Corps. There was a renewed emphasis on parity
and increased opportunity for women in uniform.
The Gulf War
(1991): Desert Shield and Desert Storm
The Gulf War] was a war waged by coalition Forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait arising from oil pricing and production disputes. It
was codenamed Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17
January 1991) for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation
Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) in its combat phase
Women played a vital role in
the theater of operations. By late February, more
than 37,000 military women were in the Persian Gulf, making up
approximately 6.8 percent of US forces. By Service, there were approximately
26,000 Army, 3,700 Navy, 2,200 Marine, and 5,300 Air Force (USAF) women
Bosnian War (1992-1995)
The breakup of Yugoslavia occurred as a result of a
series of political upheavals and conflicts during the early 1990s. After a
period of political and economic crisis in the 1980s, constituent republics of
the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia split
apart, but the unresolved issues caused bitter inter-ethnic Yugoslav wars. The wars primarily affected Bosnia and Herzegonvina neighboring parts
of Croatia and, some years later, Kosovo
The Bosnian War (Serbo-Croatian) was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and
1995. The war is commonly seen as having started on 6 April 1992, following a
number of earlier violent incidents. The war ended on 14 December 1995. The
main belligerents were the forces of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
those of Herzeg-Bosnia and Republica Srpska, proto-states led and supplied by Croatia and Serbia, respectively.
As a member
of NATO, the United States was part of its intervention efforts in the
Bosnian War, which grew in scope as the war raged on. In 1994, NATO launched
multiple air strikes on the Serbs . Tensions rose when the Serbs used a
surface-to-air missile to shoot down an American pilot, who was later rescued. Participation by female US military personnel
Is unknown
War in
Afghanistan (2001-present): Female soldiers would now officially accompany the Rangers on
target. Ideology be damned.
The War in
Afghanistan is an ongoing war following the United States invasion off Afghanistan that began when the United States of America and its allies successfully
drove the Taliban from power in
order to deny Al-Qaeda a safe base of operations in Afghanistan. Since the initial objectives were completed, a
coalition of over 40 countries (including all NATO members) formed a security mission in the country
called International Security Force (ISAF,
succeeded by the Resolute Support Mission (RSP) in 2014), of which certain members were involved
in military combat allied with Afghanistan's government. The war has afterward mostly consisted of Taliban insurgents fighting against the Afghan Armed Forces and allied forces; the majority of ISAF/RS soldiers and
personnel are American. The
war is code-named by the U.S. as Operation Enduring Freedom (2001–14) and Operation Enduring Freedom(2015–present); it is the longest war in U.S. history.
In 2010 the U.S. Army
Special Operations Command created a pilot program to put women on the
battlefield in Afghanistan. From the start of the war, U.S. Special Operations Commander
Eric Olson believed that America was never going to kill its way to victory in
What Admiral Olson was coming to understand
was that from a strategic point of view, not having access to Afghan women
meant that U.S. soldiers were entirely blind to half the country’s population,
and all the information and social influence it held. Even more: whatever may
have been hidden in the women’s quarters — everything from enemy combatants to
weapons and nuggets of critical intelligence — would remain unfound. This
reality signaled a dangerous security gap, for no soldier had ever truly
cleared a house when even a single room went unchecked.
The only question that remained was: could the
military actually do anything about it?
1948 women’s military service had been governed by the Women’s Armed Services
Integration Act. Among other limits, women were barred from serving aboard any
navy ship other than hospitals and transports and from aircraft that could have
a combat mission. No mention was made back then of women in ground combat. By
the 1980s things were slowly changing: women formed part of non-combat air crews
and served aboard some Navy ships. More roles opened up after more than 40,000
servicewomen deployed in 1990 and 1991 as part of Operation Desert Shield and
Operation Desert Storm. By the mid-1990s women could serve in aviation and
naval combat. But assignment to units "whose primary mission is to engage in direct combat on the
ground” remained off-limits for women.
headquarters Olson began to raise the issue of getting women into battle roles
to support special operations teams, and again and again he met with the same,
unenthusiastic reception. Olson understood the limits of his power, for while
the role of SOCOM commander carried a great deal of clout, in actual fact he
was a "force provider,” not the commander of all Special Operations Forces
operating around the world. This made him effectively the CEO of Special
Operations Inc. with a mission to provide a product — readiness, options,
and capabilities — that commanders on the ground could choose to use. Or not.
Olson couldn’t make commanders use these teams; he could only imagine and then
develop the ideas so they would be there if and when they were wanted.
around SOCOM listened politely enough to Olson’s idea, then they slow-rolled
him. Most gave him the clear impression they couldn’t wait for his time as
commander to end so he could take his idea about these new all-female teams
with him.
April 2010, however, the landscape changed. A new wave of U.S. troops was
entering Afghanistan as part of a force surge announced the previous December,
and the fight against the insurgency was accelerating. Olson’s idea was about
to get a second chance, and from a most unlikely source, a group of the Army’s
most grizzled infantry fighters: the U.S. Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment, the
night-raiding special operations ground-pounders whose history dates back to
colonial times.
month, Admiral William McRaven, the highly regarded head of the Joint Special
Operations Command, submitted a formal request to Olson at SOCOM that women
soldiers be made available to join the Rangers on missions. It was based on a
radical premise from a forward-thinking leader: that women enablers could make
Ranger missions more successful. The idea was that the best female soldiers in
the Army would join the 75th Ranger Regiment’s elite strike forces as they went
out on nightly direct action raids to get terrorists and insurgents. Female
soldiers would now officially accompany the Rangers on target. Ideology be
would see the kind of combat missions experienced by less than five percent of
the entire U.S. military; these were some of the most vital — and most
dangerous — operations America was then undertaking. And they would be on
the front lines of the war in Afghanistan, on the helicopter each evening,
marching in the dead of night to the home of a suspected insurgent, talking with
women, keeping them away from an operation happening elsewhere in the compound
and seeking to learn vital information that could save Afghan and American
McRaven’s official Request for Forces landed on his desk, Olson viewed it as an
immediate call to action. This was no longer about his ideas of the "yin and
yang of warfare,” Olson told the men who worked for him: this was a hard
requirement from a JSOC commander in the field. And everyone knew that what
JSOC requested, JSOC received. Olson immediately began putting the wheels in
motion, beginning with a request to the Army Special Operations Command to
start training the new teams of female soldiers at its Fort Bragg headquarters.
Olson divided the teams into two groups: the "direct action” side would go with
counterterrorism-focused units, alongside the Rangers. The second group would
accompany the more "indirect action” teams out in the hinterland where Green
Berets forged relationships with local people and their leaders. These women would
be part of VSOs, or Village Stability Operations.
the meantime, Olson consulted his lawyers about the ban on women in ground
combat and learned that as long as he "attached” rather than "assigned” women
to these special operations units, he could put them almost anywhere. Including
on missions with Rangers.
there was the issue of the team’s name. Everyone agreed that the word female
should be avoided, since that would make acceptance all the harder among the
all-male units. Since the concept of teamwork was so fundamental to special
operations and its distinctive sense of community, they all agreed that it
should be a "team.” Another carefully selected word would help blunt the
argument of those who thought the program was just a backdoor way for women to
become frontline operators: support. Finally, they needed a term that would
express the idea that these American female soldiers would make inroads into
Afghanistan’s social fabric to reach places and people that men couldn’t: The Cultural Support Teams were born.
Global War on Terrorism: (2001 - present)
The War on Terror, also known as the Global War on Terrorism and U.S. War on Terror, is an ongoing international military campaign launched by the United States government following the September 11 attacks, The targets of the campaign are primarily Sunni Islamic fundamentalists, armed groups located throughout the Muslim world, with the most prominent groups being Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, the Taliban, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, and the various franchise groups of the former two organizations. The naming of the campaign uses a metaphor of war to refer to a variety of actions that do not constitute a specific war as traditionally defined. U.S. president George W. Bush first used the term "war on terrorism" on 16 September 2001, and then "war on terror" a few days later in a formal speech to Congress. In the latter speech, George Bush stated, "Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists and every government that supports them. "The term was originally used with a particular focus on countries associated with al-Qaeda. The term was immediately criticised by such people as Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and more nuanced terms subsequently came to be used by the Bush administration to publicly define the international campaign led by the U.S. While it was never used as a formal designation of U.S. operations in internal government documentation, a Global War on Terrorism Service Medal was issued.
U.S. President Barak Obama announced on 23 May 2013 that the
Global War on Terror was over, saying the military and intelligence agencies
will not wage war against a tactic but will instead focus on a specific group
of networks determined to destroy the U.S. On 28 December 2014, the Obama
administration announced the end of the combat role of the U.S,-led mission in Afghanistan] However, the U.S. continued to play
a major role in the War in Afghanistan, and in 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump expanded
the American military presence in Afghanistan. The rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) led to the global Operation Inherent Resolve,
and an international campaign to destroy ISIL (see below).
Iraq (2003-2011):
The Iraq War was a protracted armed conflict that began in 2003 with
the invasion of Iraq by a United States -led that overthrew the government of Saddam Hussein. The conflict continued for much of the next decade as an insurgency emerged to oppose the occupying forces and the
post-invasion Iraqi government. An estimated 151,000 to 1,33,000 Iraqis were killed in the first three to five years of
conflict. US troops were officially withdrawn in 2011. The U.S. became re-involved in 2014 at the
head of a new coalition; the insurgency and many dimensions of the armed conflict
continue. The invasion occurred as part of the George W. Bush administration's War on Terror following the September 11 attacks despite
no connection of the latter to Iraq.
Approximately one in every seven troops in Iraq was a woman. Approximately
4,500 troops have died in this war.
Operation Inherent Resolve (2014 - present):