PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: How Post 1555 interacts with its community determines the relevancy of the VFW to the community. Someone once said, "People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Post 1555 and its Auxiliary’s ability to impact Veterans, youth, political issues, patriotism, civic pride, volunteerism, and almost anything you can name, is directly dependent upon Post 1555 being recognized as a caring and involved participant in the community. Hopefully, this guide will provide some ideas as to how a Post 1555 creates and grows the kind of reputation that will benefit Chico and its Veterans. The impact on the community is immeasurable. The benefit to Post 1555 is to gain new members, be more effective in its fundraising, showing greater participation in events and tremendous goodwill. Post 1555 is, for most Americans, the only thing they know about the VFW. Post 1555 wants to make sure Chico has a favorable opinion of our great organization and our veterans.
On Memorial Day 2019, Merry Halldorson (Auxiliary Treasurer) and VFW Post member Sam Comella laid a Wreath honoring WWII Veterans.
We are the proud Sponsors of:
The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps (UNSCC) is a federally-chartered non-profit youth organization for young people, ages 10 through the completion of high school. USNSCC is comprised of two programs. Our senior program, the Naval Sea Cadet (NSCC), is for young people ages 13 through the completion of high school. Our junior program, the Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC) is for young people , ages 10 through 13.
Established in 1962, the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps is a youth leadership development program supported by the Department of the Navy and the Navy League of the United States. A lot has changed since our early days, but we have remained strongly committed to providing unique, lifechanging opportunities for our country’s youth. Join the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps and experience true adventure and camaraderie. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish when you chart your course, pursue your vision and become part of our cadet corps
The benefits of the program to America's youth are undeniable. Our program provides numerous benefits to its cadets – both tangible and intangible. Our cadets and alumni often cite the feelings of pride, camaraderie, respect and honor associated with their experience in the program. These immeasurable benefits are very important to us. They define us.
For more information about this great program please contact LTJG Jason Smith, Commanding Officer, Golden Bear Division 12.8, @ (530)230-3929 or visit
2) POST 1555 IS PROUD TO SUPPORT The BRIGHT LIGHTS PROGRAM; that allows the youth of our community to expand their cultural knowledge.
Bright Lights is a nonprofit organization that takes learning beyond the classroom and provides youth with unique, motivating and hands-on learning opportunities. In the summer of 2019 local youthvisited to the mountains of Chiang Mai, Thailand to interact with native Thailanders and learn about elephants at the Elephant Nature Park.In 2020 the youth will visit Cuba to work on an organic vegetable farm in Vinales, Cuba.i
Community Events: Our post supports many community activities and promotes activities that all veterans and other community members can enjoy.
1) On certain National holidays we post 200 American Flags along Mangrove Avenue in Chico..
2) Just prior to Memorial Day and Veterans Day of each year we distribute "Buddy Poppies" at various locations throughout Chico.
3) We provide an Honor Guard that participates in appropriate local events.
4) We can provide a program about the VFW for interested parties.
5) Post 1555 participates in an "All Veterans Pot Luck" dinner . The dinner held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, beginning at 6:00 PM at the Chico Veterans Memorial Hall. All Veterans are invited to attend. For the price of one dish we feed your entire family, kids welcome!
6) On the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month our Post and Auxiliary host Bingo. The public is encouraged to attend. Prizes are awarded. Bingo is held at the Chico Veterans Memorial Hall. Refreshments are available for purchase.
Our Post provided significant assistance to survivors of the tragic Camp Fire in Paradise CA.
Thank you to the following who support our Veterans. Click on the logo(s) below for more information.