VFW Post 1555 website contains information and events occurring with local Chico Post 1555. It also provides additional information regarding branch history, branch songs and major battles our military has fought.
As you enter the website a header is shown that automatically scrolls through a brief description of the origin of each service. The "Home Page is also the "stepping off place" for all the other pages, i.e. "About", "Programs" etc. Below these pages additional information is presented in various categories. To access those pages, simply click on the main page and all the sub categories will appear. To view a particular category, simply click on the category and scroll through the information.
The pages under resources provide our veterans with names and locations of various local organizations where a veteran can get assistance. In addition to the Benefits & Assistance and Veteran Discount pages, we have included several other pages including a page where all the services songs are listed. If you click on a particular song it will play (hit the play button) and read a brief history of its origin. We have also listed military battles that our service members have fought in over the years. After bringing up the summary page for the conflict you wish to review, you can scroll down through the various battles and view (as available) a brief video of the conflict.
We hope our site provides information to all our readers be they veterans, family members etc. such that they obtain a better understanding of what our service members have experienced.
We hope that this site and the information contained herein provides a platform from which our Post members can tell their stories to family members, extended family members, friends and acquaintances and help preserve, not only their own experiences but put their experiences into context of all the other Veterans of Foreign Wars.
All veterans should be proud of their experience and share it. Remember that "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it".