I joined the Army in 2010 at age 22, and received basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. After basic I went to Advanced Individual Training at Fort Lee, Virginia, and was trained to be a Transportation Management Coordinator. Post graduation I was stationed at Fort Richardson, Alaska with the 486th Movement Control Team. On my 23rd birthday I was deployed to Camp Virginia, Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn. Our unit logged over 200 transportation requests, in a four-month window, all critical to the success of the historic withdrawal from Iraq. We supervised and coordinated approximately 500 individual bus missions with 100% success in linking up with aircraft that transported 43,744 redeploying personnel. The mission also included moving 8,300 truckloads of equipment out of Iraq and worked extensively with the Kuwait Police. While serving on deployment, I was injured and medically evacuated to Landstuhl, Germany. After a month in Germany, I was attached to the 716th Explosive Ordnance Division unit at Fort Richardson, Alaska. During this deployment I was part of the re-deployment of the 716th from Afghanistan. I was medically retired in the spring of 2013. I married my husband Brent in July 2017 and we have one 6 year old, special needs son named Alex. He is the love of our life.